About Us

Welcome to LPG Distributors Federation

LPG Distributors Federation is a not-for-profit organization, registered with the Registrar of Firms. We are presently working for LPG distributors in the state of Uttar Pradesh. Later will be extended to pan-India as and when found necessary. The organization has a motive of safeguarding interests of LPG distributors without disturbing the relationship with OMCs (Oil Marketing Companies) and their business. We are also working on Social Responsibility, and engaged in various activities such as educating and creating awareness among women especially from rural household on safety tips or precautions they need to take care with LPG in their kitchen. We are also keen on environment and water conservation and have many programs in pipeline to be executed in near future.

Organization Structure

The organization was founded with 73 members with 7 members in working committee. Presently we have following office bearers

  • Amit Kumar, President
  • Alok Som, Vice President
  • Janardan Singh, General Secretary
  • Arvind Singh, Treasurer

We have over 4000 distributors in the state of Uttar Pradesh and any issue that affects their LPG Distributors / business in any manner are taken and discussed at the board for the prompt and proper resolution without affect distributor-OMC relations.

Office Bearers
Governing Body
Local Area Working committees
Local Area Coordinators
Volunteers / Social Executives